Specific gravity of body segments

Range Table - link unitless
Organism Human Homo sapiens
Reference Stanley Plagenhoef , F. Gaynor Evans & Thomas Abdelnour, Anatomical Data for Analyzing Human Motion, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, Volume 54, 1983 - Issue 2 Pages 169-178, link p.170 table 2
Primary Source Dempster, W. T. Space Requirements of the Seated Operator. WADC Technical Report, 55-159, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH, 1955
Method Abstract: "Anatomical data necessary for the analysis of human motion are presented on the total living body segmented into sixteen parts. Cadaver data from Dempster (1955) are applied to water displacement data obtained on 135 living subjects (35 men and 100 women) to obtain the weight, center of gravity, and radius of gyration for the segmented extremities."
Entered by Uri M
ID 115456