Maximal lysosome to nucleus distance

Range Table - link µm
Organism Human Homo sapiens
Reference Glunde K, Guggino SE, Solaiyappan M, Pathak AP, Ichikawa Y, Bhujwalla ZM. Extracellular acidification alters lysosomal trafficking in human breast cancer cells. Neoplasia. 2003 Nov-Dec5(6):533-45. p.540 table 1PubMed ID14965446
Method P.540 caption beneath table 1:"Data were obtained by analyzing n images from four different stainings per pH and cell line using researchers' in-house software."
Comments P.539 right column:"To make sure that the observed changes in lysosomal displacement were not corrupted by changes in cell shape (e.g., cell swelling, cell shrinking, or changes in cell polarity or spreading), cell size was characterized at different pH values by determining the maximum lysosome-to-nucleus distance. This maximum distance, obtained from lysosomes localized at the plasma membrane, was used as an index for alterations in cell size at different pH values. The results of these measurements are summarized in Table 1. No significant differences of these values were detected in the HMECs or any of the breast cancer cells under different pH conditions, demonstrating that there were no changes in cell shape with extracellular acidosis." Normal human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) and human breast cancer cells. Keywords:size,organelle,hydrolysis,degradation,endocytic pathway
Entered by Uri M
ID 112108