Abundance classes in mouse liver cytoplasmic poly(A)RNA determined by cDNA-poly(A)RNA hybridization kinetics

Range Table - link
Organism Mouse Mus musculus
Reference Galau GA, Klein WH, Britten RJ, Davidson EH. Significance of rare m RNA sequences in liver. Arch Biochem Biophys. 1977 Mar179(2):584-99. doi:10.1016/0003-9861(77)90147-3 p.586 table IPubMed ID851359
Primary Source Ryffel GU, McCarthy BJ. Complexity of cytoplasmic RNA in different mouse tissues measured by hybridization of polyadenylated RNA to complementary DNA. Biochemistry. 1975 Apr 8 14(7):1379-85.PubMed ID47757
Method p.586 note 'a' beneath table I:"The data presented in this table were obtained by Ryffel and McCarthy (primary source). Their data were fit by least-squares methods using three pseudo-first-order kinetic components as shown. After this analysis had been carried out, additional data became available (refs 242, 243). When analyzed as described here and in the text, these measurements yield mRNA concentrations within a factor of 2 of those listed in the last column above."
Comments p.593 left column bottom paragraph:” It is of interest to compare the mRNA frequencies calculated in Table II with the abundance classes derived from the cDNA hybridization data in Table I. For this purpose the results summarized in Table II are portrayed graphically in Fig. 1 as an mRNA frequency distribution. The three mRNA abundance classes calculated from the hybridization data in Table I are indicated in Fig. 1 by vertical arrows. The number of proteins considered in Table II is obviously very small relative to the number of different species of mRNA in the liver (Table I).” See notes beneath table
Entered by Uri M
ID 111781