Typical enzymatic turnover rate in biosynthetic pathways

Value 7 1/sec Range: × /27 1/sec
Organism Various
Reference Liebermeister W, Klipp E. Bringing metabolic networks to life: integration of kinetic, metabolic, and proteomic data. Theor Biol Med Model. 2006 Dec 15 3: 42. Table - link PubMed ID17173670
Method Experimental values for turnover rates, substrate, product, and inhibition constants were taken from the Brenda database [BNID 100598 Database - link The range is calculated by dividing and multiplying the geometric mean by the exponent of the standard deviation of the natural logarithm, 27sec^-1. 7/27=0.26sec^-1. 7×27=189sec^-1.
Comments 7559 samples
Entered by Uri M
ID 105245