Number of AcChoR [acetylcholine receptor] binding sites per channel complex (Rc)

Value 2 receptors/channel
Organism Lizard Anolis carolinensis
Reference Land BR, Harris WV, Salpeter EE, Salpeter MM. Diffusion and binding constants for acetylcholine derived from the falling phase of miniature endplate currents. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1984 Mar81(5):1594-8. p.1595 right column top paragraphPubMed ID6584895
Comments "In this scheme [researchers] assume that there are two AcChoR binding sites per channel complex (Rc), that both sites have to be occupied by AcCho to allow the opening of the channel, and that unbinding can occur only from the closed conformation."
Entered by Uri M
ID 111074