Characteristic length scale (sqrt of ratio between bending modulus and stretching modulus)

Range ~50 to 100 nm
Organism Amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum
Reference D.N. Robinson, Y.-S. Kee, T. Luo and A. Surcel, Understanding How Dividing Cells Change Shape. In: Edward H. Egelman, editor: Comprehensive Biophysics, Vol 7, Cell Biophysics, Denis Wirtz. Oxford: Academic Press, 2012. pp. 48-72. p.49 right column bottom paragraph
Primary Source Reichl, E. M. Effler, J. C. Robinson, D. N. The stress and strain of cytokinesis. Trends Cell Biol. 2005, 15, 200–206.PubMed ID15817376
Method "To determine whether the energy cost of bending (bending modulus, B) or stretching (stretch modulus, Sc) is likely to dominate a particular cellular deformation, one can determine a characteristic length scale (l) defined as l=sqrt(B/Sc)."
Comments "From the published values for a Dictyostelium cell, l˜50–100 nm (primary source) which implies that for a cellular deformation over micrometer-scale lengths (e.g., the width of a cleavage furrow), it is reasonable to consider that the energy cost from stretch will dominate."
Entered by Uri M
ID 109559