Average number of peroxisomes per thin section of an acs2 mutant grown in methanol

Value 3.7 peroxisomes/section Range: ±0.08 peroxisomes/section
Organism Yeast Pichia methanolica
Reference Kulachkovsky AR, Moroz OM, Sibirny AA. Impairment of peroxisome degradation in Pichia methanolica mutants defective in acetyl-CoA synthetase or isocitrate lyase. Yeast. 1997 Sep 15 13(11):1043-52. p.1046 left column 2nd paragraphPubMed ID9290208
Comments "The average number of peroxisomes per thin section of an acs2 mutant grown in methanol was 3.70±0.08 peroxisomes/ section, whereas after 8 h of incubation with ethanol, this ratio was reduced to only 2.36±0.06."
Entered by Uri M
ID 108563