
Range ~20 µm
Organism Diatoms
Reference Kranz SA, Young JN, Hopkinson BM, Goldman JA, Tortell PD, Morel FM. Low temperature reduces the energetic requirement for the CO2 concentrating mechanism in diatoms. New Phytol. 2015 Jan205(1):192-201. doi: 10.1111/nph.12976 p.195 left column 3rd paragraphPubMed ID25308897
Comments P.195 left column 3rd paragraph: "With the increase in light intensity and ice retreat in early November, phytoplankton biomass, dominated by diatoms (microscopically identified species: e.g. Corethron spp., Thalassiosira spp., Fragilariopsis spp. and Eucampia spp.) with diameters of c. 20 μm, increased throughout November to a maximum Chla concentration of c. 45 μg Chla/l by early December (Fig. 1a)." P.194 right column bottom paragraph: "For the chloroplast and pyrenoid (initially), mass transfer coefficients were taken from the Phaeodactylum tricornutum model and scaled up to fit the larger cell size (20 μm in diameter) of diatom species found in the WAP [Western Antarctic Peninsula]."
Entered by Uri M
ID 116824