Range |
402±144 mg/gDW to 227±6 mg/gDW
Organism |
Cyanobacteria Synechocystis PCC 6803 |
Reference |
Zavřel T et al., Quantitative insights into the cyanobacterial cell economy. Elife. 2019 Feb 4 8. pii: e42508. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.42508 p.6 4th paragraphPubMed ID30714903
Method |
P.2 bottom paragraph: "The Synechocystis substrain GT-L (Zavřel et al., 2015b) was cultivated in flat panel photobioreactors (Figure 1A) using at least 5 independent reactors in a quasi-continuous (turbidostat) regime (Figure 1B), with red light intensities of 27.5 − 1100 μmol(photons) m^-2s^-1, supplemented with a blue light intensity of 27.5 μmol(photons) m^-2s^-1. The addition of blue light avoids possible growth limitations in the absence of short wavelength photons (Golden, 1995). Steady-state specific growth rates in turbidostat mode were calculated from monitoring the optical density measured at a wavelength of 680 nm (OD680) as well as from the rate of depletion of spare cultivation medium (as measured by top loading balances). Both methods resulted in similar average values (Figure 1C). Estimation of the specific growth rates based on the medium depletion, however, exhibited higher variance. For further analysis, therefore, only values obtained from the OD680 signal are reported." |
Comments |
P.6 4th paragraph: "In contrast [to glycogen], the protein content per gDW decreased with increasing growth rate. Protein content per cell, however, did not change significantly for different light intensities and growth rates (Kruskal-Wallis test: p−value=0.076). The absolute values of protein content were between 402±144 and 227±6 mg/gDW (Figure 2I), and between 2144±482 and 2937±466 fg/cell (Figure 2J)." Comment from Ron Milo: "Based on reported mass and volume the density seems too high and thus there might be some problem." |
Entered by |
Uri M |
ID |
116740 |