Comments |
P.9 left column bottom paragraph: "Sepals are the outermost sterile organs of a flower, which surround and protect the developing reproductive structures inside the bud before the flower opens. The sepals start from the small dome-shaped sepal primordia initiating from a line of eight cells on the edges of the floral meristem (Bossinger and Smyth, 1996). The young sepals grow in both medial-lateral and proximal-distal directions, maintaining a relatively low aspect ratio. Gradually, the sepals grow more in the proximal-distal direction, leading to increased aspect ratio (Figure 9). Mature sepals are roughly elliptical, approximately 2 mm long, 1 mm wide, but less than 50 μm thick. Therefore, they are considered flat organs, and 2D geometric descriptors such as length, aspect ratio, and circularity can be used to describe their morphology." |