
Range body weight of ≤1800 g for both sexes ~30%: hens/roosters of higher body weight ~30%/nearly 50% %
Organism Chicken Gallus gallus
Reference Erik Skadhauge, 1981, Osmoregulation in Birds, Springer-Verlag, New York p.9 3rd paragraph
Primary Source Newell GW, Shaffner CS (1950) Blood volume determinations in chickens. Poult Sci 29:78-87 doi: 10.3382/ps.0290078
Comments P.9 3rd paragraph: "The erythrocyte volume is considered to be outside the scope of this review, but it may be noted that Newell and Shaffner (primary source), who studied the domestic fowl from 400 g to 4000 g body weight found that the haematocrit is approximately 30% up to a body weight of 1800 g for both sexes. For higher body weights the haematocrit of hens remains around 30%, whereas that of roosters increases to nearly 50%."
Entered by Uri M
ID 113049