Range |
Table - link unitless
Organism |
Rodent |
Reference |
McConnell EL, Basit AW, Murdan S. Measurements of rat and mouse gastrointestinal pH, fluid and lymphoid tissue, and implications for in-vivo experiments. J Pharm Pharmacol. 2008 Jan60(1):63-70. p.66 table 1PubMed ID18088506
Method |
"The contents of each gastrointestinal section were removed,
mixed and the pH was determined using a pre-calibrated pH
211 Microprocessor pH Meter (Hanna Instruments)." |
Comments |
"The pH of the contents of the different gastrointestinal sections
of fed and fasted mice and rats are shown in Figures 1
and 2, and in Table 1." |
Entered by |
Uri M |
ID |
110513 |