Changes in mean corpuscular volume (MCV) with exercise and dehydration
Range | Table - link |
Organism | Human Homo sapiens |
Reference | van Beaumont W, Underkofler S, van Beaumont S. Erythrocyte volume, plasma volume, and acid-base changes in exercise and heat dehydration. J Appl Physiol. 1981 Jun50(6):1255-62. p.1257 table 1PubMed ID7263386 |
Comments | P.1256 right column 2nd paragraph: "The average change in the MCV with submaximal exercise was small (0.8-1.1µm^3), and statistical t tests indicated nonsignificant decrements in the RBC volumes near the end of the 30-min exercise periods and the first few minutes of recovery (Table 1). Proportional reductions in plasma volume were calculated from Hct (hematocrit) changes (Eq. 1) and from Hct and Hb (hemoglobin) concentration increments (Eq. 2)." |
Entered by | Uri M |
ID | 108283 |