Mean metabolic rates in prokaryotes

Range In rest 8: In growth 190 Table - link W/kg
Organism prokaryote
Reference Makarieva AM, Gorshkov VG, Li BL. Energetics of the smallest: Do bacteria breathe at the same rate as whales? Proc Biol Sci. 2005 Oct 22 272(1577):2219-24. p.2220 table 1PubMed ID16191633
Primary Source List of refs under table
Method Researchers collected two separate datasets on endogenous (n=56) and growth (n=55) metabolism for a total of 80 prokaryote species (38 Proteobacteria, 22 Firmicutes, 12 Cyanobacteria, 5 Actinobacteria, 1 spirochaete and 2 Archaea).
Comments These are geometric means. See BNID 105803
Entered by Uri M
ID 105786