Restriction enzyme BamHI catalytic rate (Kcat)

Value 2.2 1/min
Organism Unspecified
Reference Hinsch B, Mayer H, Kula MR. Binding of non-substrate nucleotides to a restriction endonuclease: a model for the interaction of bam HI with its recognition sequence. Nucleic Acids Res. 1980 Jun 118(11):2547-59. abstract & p. 2551 top paragraphPubMed ID6160464
Method "The assay and the preparation of Bam have been described in (Hinsch et al., 1980 PMID 6255448)." "[Researchers] found a k1=2.2min^-1 to be the rate limiting step of the reaction with pJC80 as the substrate."
Comments "This value is comparable to that one which was determined for EcoRI and ColE1 [Modrich et al., 1976 PMID 786985]."
Entered by Ben Marks
ID 101635