Peclet number for hydrodynamic flow of metabolites outside Volvox carteri
Range | 100-300 unitless |
Organism | Volvox carteri |
Reference | Solari CA, Ganguly S, Kessler JO, Michod RE, Goldstein RE. Multicellularity and the functional interdependence of motility and molecular transport, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Jan 31 103(5):1353-8. p.1357 fig.8PubMed ID16421211 |
Method | particle imaging velocimetry. Value extracted from fig. 8 |
Comments | Flagella driven advection dominates transport of metabolites around volvox colony. Correlates with decreased growth of deflagellated colonies that can be rescued by artificially mixing media. |
Entered by | Ian Swinburne |
ID | 100665 |