Elemental composition - percent carbon in dry mass

Value 47 % Range: Table - link %
Organism Bacteria Escherichia coli
Reference Heldal, M., Norland, S., Tumyr, O. X-ray microanalytic method for measurement of dry matter and elemental content of individual bacteria. 1985. Appl Environ Microbiol. 50(5):1251-1257 p.1254 table 1PubMed ID3911897
Method A method for the determination of dry matter and elemental content of individual bacterial cells is described. For measurements of carbon and nitrogen content, cells were harvested from 1-ml samples onto precombusted glass fiber filters (Whatman GF/F). The filters were dried and analyzed for carbon and nitrogen in a CHN analyzer (Carlo Erba Strumentazione 1106). Four to six replicates were analyzed in each experiment. Control experiments (obtained by acridine orange direct counting) showed that less than 1% of the bacteria passed through the GF/F filters.
Entered by Ron Milo - Admin
ID 100649