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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Values of rate constants kCO2, kOH-Kw, kd, and kHCO3- and first dissociation constant of carbonic acid calculated from the rate constants Generic Table - link N/A 110417 Kenneth S. Johnson, Carbon...
Permeability coefficient of carbon dioxide to lipid bilayer membranes Generic 0.35 (±0.04) cm/sec 106117 Gutknecht J, Bisson MA...
Rate constants for hydration and dehydration of CO2 corrected to infinite dilution at 25˚C Generic Table - link N/A 110418 Kenneth S. Johnson, Carbon...
Recent measurements of CO2 reaction rate constants at 25°C and ionic strengths <0.15 Generic Table - link N/A 110419 Kenneth S. Johnson, Carbon...
Time for full photosynthetic acclimation of the CCM [Carbon concentrating mechanism] to low CO2 conditions Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 2 hours - 5 hours 116801 Peter Vance and Martin...
CO2 and HCO3- transport in cytoplasm and chloroplast Diatoms Table - link N/A 116875 Hopkinson BM, Dupont CL...
Permeability of red blood cell membrane to HCO3- Human Homo sapiens 1.64e-3 (±0.00015 Table - link) cm/sec 110616 Forster RE, Gros G, Lin L...
Passive CO2 fluxes in four diatoms Diatoms Table - link N/A 116873 Hopkinson BM, Dupont CL...
Membrane permeability to CO2 of four species of diatoms and of artificial lipid membranes Diatoms 0.015 cm/sec - 0.056 cm/sec artificial lipid membranes ~0.1 cm/sec 116872 Hopkinson BM, Dupont CL...
Half‐saturation constant for carbon fixation (K1/2) at 1°C Diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus ~5 µM CO2 116831 Kranz SA, Young JN, Hopkinson...
Estimates of minimum net photon yield of processes converting one mole of extracellular (bulk medium) inorganic carbon into one mol of carbon in carbohydrate Plants Table - link N/A 110700 Raven, J. a, Beardall...
Median turnover number for the entire data set of enzymes and natural substrates Generic ~10 sec^-1 111411 Bar-Even A. et al., The...
Turnover rate of RubisCO Bacteria Hallothiobacillus neapolitanus 26 sec^-1 110007 Heinhorst S, Williams EB...
Molecular mass of single stranded RNA base Generic 340 Dalton 100314 http://www.roche-app...
Radii and diffusion coefficients of some proteins in living cells and in water Various Table - link N/A 105907 Luby-Phelps K. Cytoa...
Ratio between CO2 concentration in cell and CO2 external abundance due to CCM Cyanobacteria 1000 Fold 106094 Peña KL, Castel SE, de...
Permeability coefficient of lipid bilayer membrane to CO2 (see comments section) Cyanobacteria 350 (±40 Table - link) µm/sec 102624 Fridlyand L, Kaplan A...
Kinetic parameters of hKAT II (kynurenine aminotransferase II) towards amino acids and α-oxo acids Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 106566 Han Q, Cai T, Tagle DA...
Lifetime of single hydronium (H3O+) ion Generic 10^-11 to 10^-12 Sec 106697 Fornili, Migliore and Palazzo...
Molecular mass of Elastase Pig Sus species 25900 (Table - link) Dalton 100274 Squire PG, Himmel ME....