Fraction of agricultural sector consumption out of humanity global water withdrawals

Range 2/3 fraction
Organism Biosphere
Reference Oki T, Kanae S. Global hydrological cycles and world water resources. Science. 2006 Aug 25 313(5790):1068-72. p.1070 right column bottom paragraphPubMed ID16931749
Primary Source I. A. Shiklomanov, Ed., Assessment of Water Resources and Water Availability in the World (World Meteorological Organization/Stockholm Environment Institute, Geneva, Switzerland, 1997).
Comments "In the agricultural sector, which is estimated to withdraw two-thirds of world water withdrawals and which accounts for 90% of total water consumption in the world (primary source) in the period from 1961 to 2004, crop yield per area increased by a factor of 2.3, more than the rate of population growth (2.0), and the total crop yield increased by a factor of 2.4, even though the area of cropland increased by only 10% and harvested area increased less than that (ref 24)."
Entered by Ron Milo - Admin
ID 105887