Annual water vapour passing through stomata in warm forested areas

Value 32 10^15 kg
Organism Biosphere
Reference Alistair M. Hetherington1 F. Ian Woodward. The role of stomata in sensing and driving environmental change. Nature. 2003 Aug 21 424(6951):901-8. p. 901 right column, top paragraphPubMed ID12931178
Primary Source Ciais, P. et al. A three-dimensional synthesis study of dO18 in atmospheric CO2. I. Surface fluxes. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 102, 5857–5872 (1997).
Comments The greatest rates of transpiration occur in the uniform and warm forested areas between the tropics with 32×10^15kg/yr of water vapour passing through stomata. This is double the water vapour content of the atmosphere (15×10^15kg/yr BNID 101754).
Entered by Ben Marks
ID 101753