Replication rate of mitochondrial DNA in vivo

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Value 270 base pairs/min
Organism Mouse Mus musculus
Reference Clayton DA. Replication of animal mitochondrial DNA. Cell. 1982 Apr 28 (4):693-705 p.695 left column 1st paragraphPubMed ID6178513
Comments The synthesis of full-length daughter strands requires approximately 1 hr, and the entire cycle is completed in approximately 2 hr. This means that the overall rate of polymerization is only -270 nucleotides per minute per strand, one of the slowest in vivo DNA-replication rates reported to date. In contrast, Escherichia coli DNA is replicated at ~200 times this rate (Kornberg, 1980 and see BNID 102052). It is conceivable that this unimpressive rate of strand. For replication rate of 3bp/sec in vitro see BNID 104929, 105371
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ID 104930