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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Length of a hydrogen bond in water Generic 0.144 nm 101065 Modig K, Pfrommer BG...
Fraction of red blood cell water that behaves as solvent water Human Homo sapiens 0.798 (±0.007) unitless 101723 Savitz, D., V. W. Sidel...
Water content of hair at different relative humidities Human Homo sapiens Table - link % 116976 Robbins, Clarence R....
Fraction of effective rainfall water used for transpiration Tree Pinus halepensis 93 % 104572 Schiller et al Water...
Surface area of earth covered by water Biosphere 3.62e+8 km^2 100542 http://hypertextbook...
"Rule of thumb" for the number of water molecules per cell Bacteria Escherichia coli 2e+10 water molecules 101851 "Physical Biology of...
Diffusion coefficient of water in liver mitochondria Rat Rattus norvegicus 580 (±19) µm^2/sec 104647 García-Pérez AI, Lóp...
Volume of cell occupied by water Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 68 % 105094 Jerry W. King, Gary R...
Water locked up in ice worldwide Biosphere 3e+7 km^3 101077 John Holdren, Science...
Water withdrawals for human use worldwide Biosphere 5000 km^3/year 101085 John Holdren, Science...
Permeabilities of films to carbon dioxide and water Generic Table - link N/A 107378 Woolley JT. Relative...
Specific gravity of coconut water (CNW) Coconut palm Cocos nucifera ~1.02 Unitless 110379 Pummer S, Heil P, Maleck W...
Heat of vaporization of water at 20˚C Generic 2.45 kJ/gram 113225 Körner C (2013) Plan...
Flux through AqpZ water channel protein Bacteria Escherichia coli 5e+8 water molecules/sec 103684 Stroud RM, Miercke LJ...
Permeability of aquaporin to water Bacteria Escherichia coli 1E-13 cm^3/(secхsubunit) 103686 Borgnia MJ, Kozono D...
Diameter of narrow pores formed by water channels Eukaryotes 0.3 - 0.4 nm 110413 Maurel C. Aquaporins...
Approximate concentrations of protolytic materials in sea water and sediment pore water Biosphere Table - link N/A 107080 Skirrow G (1975) In Riley JP...
Cell water content, dry content and total content (determined separately) in early stationary phase Bacteria Escherichia coli median water content 516±12fg: median dry mass content 203±5fg: median total mass content 727±15fg fg 111210 Feijó Delgado et al....
Fraction of agricultural sector consumption out of humanity global water withdrawals Biosphere 2/3 fraction 105887 Oki T, Kanae S. Global...
Water content of stratum corneum (SC) Unspecified >10 % 113175 Madison KC. Barrier function...