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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Fraction of amino acid substitutions that lead to protein inactivation Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 20 - 65 % 113375 Drummond DA, Bloom JD...
Divergence time of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and S. paradoxus Yeast ≈5 Mya 113373 Drummond DA, Bloom JD...
Major radiation of conifer families Plants 250 - 65 Mya 113643 Nystedt B et al., The...
Number of species of conifers Plants ~630 species: representing ~70 currently recognized genera N/A 113644 Nystedt B et al., The...
Current (sixth, or anthropocene) extinction rates compared to natural background rates of extinction Biosphere current 1,000: future likely to be 10,000 times higher than background extinction rate 117272 Khan S et al., Overview...
Time when land plants first began to diverge Plants ~450-460 Mya 110277 Dr. Ilia J. Leitch, Prof....
Time of radiation across the North American continent from a European ancestor Butterfly Limenitis spp. during the past 3 - 4 million years 117176 Frentiu FD, Briscoe AD....
Time period over which birds and butterflies have evolved Metazoa animals birds ~160: butterflies >140 million years ago 117177 Frentiu FD, Briscoe AD....
Fraction of the four billion species estimated to have evolved on the Earth over the last 3.5 billion years that are extinct Biosphere ~99 % 112752 Barnosky AD et al., Has...
Time that a recognized taxa in the fossil record lives Generic 1 - 10 million years 112640 De Vos JM, Joppa LN,...
Divergence rate for protein coding mitochondrial DNA in mammals and birds vertebrates 0.02 substitutions/site/Myr 113217 Peterson GI, Masel J....
Divergence rate for protein coding mitochondrial DNA Human Homo sapiens 0.32 - 2.5 substitutions/site/Myr 113218 Peterson GI, Masel J....
Date of whole genome duplication event in hemiascomycetes Yeast ~100 Mya 113383 Vlastaridis P et al....
Origin of mammals and dinosaurs vertebrates 210 - 230 Mya 113318 Smith et al., Body size...
Wingspan of Meganeura spp., extinct flying insects ~3 times the size of the largest flying insects today Insect >65 - 71 cm 113319 Smith et al., Body size...
Span of insect evolutionary history Insect 300 million years 113320 Smith et al., Body size...
Origin of microscopic cyanobacteria-like organisms and their biovolume Cyanobacteria evolved by ∼3,500 - 3,400Mya: biovolume of ∼3.4×10^−6mm^3 N/A 113316 Smith et al., Body size...
Span of Geozoic (since life first appeared till present day) Biosphere ~3,600 Mya 113312 Smith et al., Body size...
Estimated number of species of land plants Biosphere >450,000 species 113442 Pimm SL et al., The ...
Number of described and undescribed animal species Biosphere described ~1,900,000: undescribed 11,000,000 species 113443 Pimm SL et al., The ...