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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Concentration at OD ~0.04 (600nm) Bacteria Bacillus cereus 3.3e+6 cells/ml 105453 Olmez HK, Aran N. Modeling...
Spontaneous firing rates of cerebellar Purkinje neurons Rat Rattus norvegicus ~50 Hz 111175 Kress GJ, Mennerick S....
Mean 24-h cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) protein level Human Homo sapiens 329 (±69) μg/mL 106945 Harrington MG et al....
Arterialised and venous haematocrit, haemoglobin, pH, ions, blood gases, and calculated oxygen content Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 107339 Wood RE, Wishart C, Walker PJ...
Maximum Rate of Transport of beef brain Na+ K+ ATPase Mammals 150 sec^-1 104181 Stein, Wilfred D., Transport...
Phosphate monoanion permeability of large unilammelar vesicles composed of egg phosphatidylcholine Generic 50 femtometers/s 112479 Chakrabarti, A. C., and...
Maximum rate of transport of potassium-potassium exchange of Na+ K+ ATPase Pig Sus species 7 (Table - link) sec^-1 104182 Stein, Wilfred D., Transport...
Maximum rate of transport of ADP/ATP exchange of Na+ K+ ATPase Human Homo sapiens 10 sec^-1 104183 Stein, Wilfred D., Transport...
Total mass and elemental composition Bacteria Escherichia coli Table - link N/A 106667 Heldal, M., Norland, S....
Typical synaptic cleft distance Unspecified 20-40 nm 100721 http://faculty.washi...
Tissue distribution of epithelial Na+ channels Vertebrates Table - link N/A 107640 Garty H, Palmer LG. ...
Single channel properties of amiloride-sensitive Na+ channels Vertebrates Table - link N/A 107641 Garty H, Palmer LG. ...
Nominal mucosal surface area of colon Human Homo sapiens ~2,000 cm^2 111315 Sandle GI. Salt and water...
Effect of Hb Concentration on Oxygen-binding Properties (P50, in mmHg) and Hill coefficient (n50) of Hb from human, mammoth and Asian elephant Mammals Table - link N/A 109545 Yuan Y, Shen TJ, Gupta P...
Calculated and measured Equivalent conductances for some single channels Various Table - link N/A 104166 Stein, Wilfred D., Transport...
Number of molecules of neurotransmitter in one synaptic vesicle Unspecified 5000 unitless 100722 http://faculty.washi...
Total potassium (1+) in frog egg African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 6E-08 mol 100488 Slack C, Warner AE, Warren...
Intracellular K+ and Na+ concentration Bacteria Mycoplasma mycoides var. Capri K+ 200-300mM: Na+ 20mM mM 115483 Leblanc G, Le Grimellec...
Total calcium(2+) in frog egg African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 6.5E-09 (5E-9 to 8E-9) mol 100486 Slack C, Warner AE, Warren...
Concentration of the main free cations and anions in living cells and their environment Generic Table - link N/A 105409 J.J.R. Fraústo da Silva...