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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Composition of neurons of the striatum Human Homo sapiens medium spiny projection neurons (MSNs) 75-80%: four subtypes of interneurons together 20-25% % of striatal neurons 117220 Ernst A et al., Neurogenesis...
Mid point redox potential of ferrodoxins Plants (-390)-(-450) mV 103369 Fukuyama K. Structure...
Rate constant of Fenton's reaction Fe(2+)+H2O2→ Fe(3+)+OH·+OH− Generic 76 M^-1×sec^-1 105678 Woodmansee AN, Imlay...
Approximate distribution of components of the spinach photosynthetic membrane Spinach Spinacia oleracea Table - link N/A 106048 Albertsson P. A quantitative...
Median estimated half life of mRNA of hepatoma cells Human Homo sapiens 10 hours 104217 Sharova LV, Sharov AA...
Number of protein coding genes Bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae 689 genes 107813 Kühner S et al., Proteome...
Ratio between granule and purkinje cells in brain Mammals 200 to 1 in mouse: 3,000 to 1 in human Unitless 106408 Williams RW, Herrup K....
Resting membrane potential of embryonal carcinoma (EC) P19 cell line 29-59 days after being grafted onto rat tissue Mouse Mus musculus 60 (Table - link) mV 106524 Magnuson DS, Morassutti DJ...
Half time of uncatalyzed isomerization of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate Generic 2 Months 107180 Wolfenden R, Snider MJ....
Mean length of protein on chromosomes 21 & 22 Human Homo sapiens 317 (±43 Table - link) aa 104916 Harrison PM, Milburn D...
Number of photoreceptors contained in ocellar retina Cockroach Periplaneta ~10,000 photoreceptors 117186 Mizunami M. Functional...
Redox potential of ferredoxin:NADP+ oxidoreductase Plants -320 mV 103372 Fukuyama K. Structure...
Number of amino acids in most ferrodoxins Plants 95-98 amino acids/protein 103373 Fukuyama K. Structure...
Redox potential of photosystem I Plants -550 mV 103370 Fukuyama K. Structure...
Bulk of animal feces containing wet microbial cells bacteria <=40 % 102393 Savage DC. Microbial...
Genome size Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) RNA1 ∼3300nt: RNA2 ∼3000 nt: RNA3 ∼2200nt: sgRNA4 ∼1010nt nts 111225 Rao AL. Genome packaging...
Fraction of ceramide out of total lipid in stratum corneum (outermost layer of the epidermis) Mammals 50 % 111964 Philip W. Wertz, The...
Aril (outgrowth that covers seed) composition Pomegranate Punica granatum water 85%: total sugar 10%: pectin 1.5%: other see comments section % 113547 Panth N, Manandhar B...
Volume of erythrocyte at 300 mOsm Human Homo sapiens 94 (±14) µm^3 101712 Evans E, Fung YC. Improved...
Volume of erythrocyte at 131 mOsm Human Homo sapiens 164 (±23) µm^3 101714 Evans E, Fung YC. Improved...