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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Reduction potentials of some biologically important redox couples Generic Table - link N/A 105830 Harold, F. M. The Vital...
Most negative redox potential in nature-photosystem I between thylakoid lumen and stroma Generic -1 Volts 103906 Amunts A, Drory O, Nelson...
Redox potentials of cofactors in reaction centers of green bacteria Green photosynthetic bacteria Table - link N/A 104495 Olson JM. Chlorophyll...
Midpoint redox potential for excitation and quenching of P680 reaction centre of photosystem II Generic 1.1 Volt 104349 Robert E. Blankenship...
Midpoint redox potentials for excitation and quenching of P700 reaction center of photosystem I Generic 490 mV 104351 Robert E. Blankenship...
Redox potential of electron donors and electron acceptors involved in Electron Transfer Pathway (ETP) Various Table - link N/A 104432 Thauer RK, Jungermann K...
Redox potential of menaquinone after aerobic and anaerobic growth on glucose and various electron acceptors Bacteria Escherichia coli -80 mV 104412 Unden G, Bongaerts J....
Standard reduction potentials (E°) of redox systems involved in biological electron transfer at pH 7 Generic Table - link V 114118 Rojas-Andrade MD et al....
Midpoint redox potential of plastocyanin, Association rate constant and photosystem I reduction constant Cyanobacteria Prochlorothrix hollandica Table - link N/A 104020 Navarro JA, Myshkin E...
Standard redox potentials of different electron donors of the photosynthetic light reaction Generic Table - link N/A 104561 Jorg Overmann and Ferran...
Most prominent redox reactions in landfill leachate plumes Biosphere Table - link N/A 104565 Christensen et al, B...
Fraction of total cell iron that is present in the redox-active form (50–100 μM) Unspecified <5 % 114079 Valko M et al., Redox-...
Gibbs free energy for redox transfer across the Inner Chloroplast Envelope Membrane Spinach Spinacia oleracea -13 kJ/mol 103335 Heineke D, Riens B, Grosse H...
Redox potential of ubiquinone after aerobic and anaerobic growth on glucose and the electron acceptors Os, nitrate, fumarate or DMSO Bacteria Escherichia coli 110 mV 104411 Unden G, Bongaerts J....
Metabolic rates and redox ratios in perfused livers from fed rats Rat Rattus norvegicus Table - link N/A 111354 Soboll S, Scholz R, Heldt...
Metabolic rates and redox ratios in perfused livers from starved rats Rat Rattus norvegicus Table - link N/A 111355 Soboll S, Scholz R, Heldt...
Average net conversion rates (qi), expressed per Cmol of biomass (X), and carbon and redox recoveries of the steady-state aerobic glucose-limited chemostat cultivations Bacteria Escherichia coli Table - link N/A 109827 Taymaz-Nikerel H, de Mey M...
Total cellular concentrations Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae glutamate ∼75: glutathione ∼15: ATP ∼2.5 mM 115810 Theillet FX et al., ...
Percentage of proteins with functions in amino acid metabolism, redox regulation and TCA cycle/organic acid transformation functions out of all synthesized proteins on a molar basis Thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana 5 to 6 % (each group) 107770 Piques et al., Ribosome...
Estimated thioredoxin reducing potential Bacteria Escherichia coli -0.26 to -0.28 V 113978 Hwang, C., Sinskey, A. J....