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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Fraction of all proteins that require metal cofactors for function Unspecified 1/3 of all proteins 114100 Capdevila DA, Edmonds KA...
Number of proteins in chloroplast Chloroplast ~3,000 proteins 113133 Andreas Bracher, Spencer...
Percentage of phytoplankton (including bacteria) grazed per day Biosphere 25%-100% % 115619 Young KD. The selective...
Most efficient cell diameters for chemotaxis bacteria Table - link µm 115614 Young KD. The selective...
Number of proteins in higher plants targeted to plastids Plants 1000-5000 proteins 103095 Martin W, Rujan T, Richly E...
Number of animal species catalogued in a central database as of 2011 and number of predicted species on Earth Eukaryotes Catalogued ~950,000 Predicted ~7,770,000 Table - link species 109318 Mora C, Tittensor DP...
Number of new protein families that evolved in the prokaryote-eukaryote transition Various 3000 unitless 105798 Lane N, Martin W. The...
Number of archaea species catalogued in a central database as of 2011 and number of predicted species on Earth Archaea Catalogued 502 Predicted 455 Table - link species 109322 Mora C, Tittensor DP...
Number of plant species catalogued in a central database as of 2011 and number of predicted species on Earth Plants Catalogued ~216,000 Predicted ~298,000 Table - link Species 109319 Mora C, Tittensor DP...
Number of fungi species catalogued in a central database as of 2011 and number of predicted species on Earth Fungus Catalogued ~43,000 Predicted 611,000 Table - link Species 109320 Mora C, Tittensor DP...
Fraction of fungal species in rumen that belong to anaerobic fungi (Neocallimastigomycota) Ruminants 81.9 % 117090 Belanche et al., A M...
Number of proteins in the PhoP regulon Bacteria Salmonella typhimurium ~15 proteins 116147 Alpuche-Aranda CM, Racoosin...
Concentration of bacteria in rumen Sheep Ovis aries ~1e+10 cells/ml 102396 Brock TD. Microbial growth...
Time required to digest grass Horse Equus caballus ~72 hrs 112505 Letarov A, Kulikov E....
Best guess for distribution of bacterial mortality in the open ocean Biosphere grazing by protists ~50%: lysis due to bacteriophage ~50% % 115625 Young KD. The selective...
Linear dimensions and volume, C and N quota, density, and C:N ratios of dinoflagellate species Protists Table - link N/A 107970 Susanne Menden-Deuer...
Fraction of rumen microbiota that is represented by fungi Ruminants 10 - 20 % 117089 Belanche et al., A M...
Relative abundance of microbial populations and amount of rRNA extracted from ruminal, inoculum and fermenter (96, 120, 144 and 168 h) samples Ruminants Table - link N/A 112834 Ziemer CJ et al., Comparison...
Mesh size of filter through which bacteria is inhaled Cladocera Bosmina longirostris 0.43 - 0.97 µm 115727 Young KD. The selective...
Characteristics and functions of the four MS (mechanosensitive) channels, MscL, MscS, TREK-1, and Piezo involved in mechanosensation in bacteria and mammals Various Table - link N/A 112699 Peyronnet R, Tran D,...