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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Length of Major Histocompatibility Complex MHC Genome region Human Homo sapiens 3.6e+6 nucleotides 102654 Complete sequence and...
Shell volume of 50S ribosome subunit Archaea Haloarcula marismortui 2.29e+6 (Table - link) Å^3 103035 Neil R. Voss. 2006 'Geometric...
Shell volume of DNA Polymerase Bacteriophage RB69 203768 Å^3 103050 Neil R. Voss. 2006 'Geometric...
Shell volume of Group I ribozyme Bacteria Azoarcus sp. 132763 A^3 103042 Neil R. Voss. 2006 'Geometric...
Shell volume of hammerhead ribozyme Unspecified 22869 A^3 103046 Neil R. Voss. 2006 'Geometric...
Shell volume of RNase P Bacteria Geobacillus stearothermophilus 169321 A^3 103039 Neil R. Voss. 2006 'Geometric...
Shell volume of chaperonin Archaea Thermoplasma acidophilum 1.7e+6 Å^3 103058 Neil R. Voss. 2006 'Geometric...
Shell volume of DNA-protein complex Epstein-Barr virus 67108 Å^3 103052 Neil R. Voss. 2006 'Geometric...
Examples of estimated copy numbers per cell Human Homo sapiens Table - link protein copies/cell 111218 Wisniewski JR, Ostasiewicz P...
Length of telomeric repeat arrays Thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana 2.5 to 5.0 kbp 107713 Gámez-Arjona FM, López-López...
Radius of curvature below which pure actin breaks Generic 180 nm 106831 Cameron LA, Svitkina TM...
Shell volume of 30S ribosome subunit Bacteria Thermus thermophilus 1.29e+6 Å^3 103037 Neil R. Voss. 2006 'Geometric...
Shell volume of 20S proteasome Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1.26e+6 Å^3 103061 Neil R. Voss. 2006 'Geometric...
Some transcription and prevalence parameters for sea urchin embryos Sea urchin Table - link N/A 105012 Bolouri H, Davidson EH....
Types and properties of histones Eukaryotes Table - link N/A 110300 David L. Nelson, Michael...
Length of pre-miRNA stem loop structure Human Homo sapiens ~60-80 nucleotides 102583 Chang TC, Mendell JT....
Length of mature miRNA Human Homo sapiens 18-24 nucleotides 102585 Chang TC, Mendell JT....
Median resolution for X-ray crystallographic results in the Protein Data Bank Various 2.05 Å 111138 Proteopedia http://p...
Length of Homeobox DNA sequence Eukaryotes ~180 base pairs 116964 Bürglin TR, Affolter...
Average distance between DNA-binding proteins on chromosome Bacteria Escherichia coli ∼36 bp 110445 Li GW, Burkhardt D, Gross C...