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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Estimated fraction of mitochondrial inner membrane that is "packed" with proteins within the membrane Rat Rattus norvegicus ~40 % of inside of mitochondrial inner membrane 114712 Szenk M, Dill KA, de...
Membrane thickness of various organelles Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Table - link nm 108296 Yamaguchi M, Namiki Y...
Resolution of the membrane bilayer Unspecified ~4 nm 113955 West M, Zurek N, Hoenger A...
Number of transport proteins in membrane Unspecified inner mitochondrial membrane ~50: peroxisome ≤10 proteins 113110 Sibirny AA. Yeast pe...
Surface area of sperm cell membrane Mouse Mus musculus ~250 µm^2 110721 Kirichok Y, Navarro B...
Permeability of membrane to CO2 Unspecified 12 cm/sec 110004 Missner A, Kügler P,...
Thickness of plasma membrane and nuclear envelope Eukaryotes plasma membrane 10: nuclear envelope 20 nm 113850 Heyden & Oritz, Investigation...
Time for membrane area equivalent to entire cell membrane to undergo exocytosis Unspecified 1 hour 110901 Sheetz, M. P., Sable...
Fraction of plasma membrane that is pmaER (plasma membrane-associated Endoplasmic Reticulum) Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 20-40 % 113958 West M, Zurek N, Hoenger A...
Quantitative comparison of energy transformation in a typical thylakoid membrane and in a rhodopsin membrane Unspecified Table - link N/A 105052 John A. Raven Functional...
Speed of superoxide in thylakoid membrane Spinach Spinacia oleracea 20 nm/sec 103377 Ivanov BN. Cooperation...
Membrane proton motive force (PMF) Bacteria Escherichia coli 180-200 mV 102120 Kinoshita N, Unemoto T...
Experimental determination of membrane tension Great pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis ≈0.1 mN/m 110765 OS. Andersen, "Cellular...
Fraction of proteome that is membrane proteins Eukaryotes 31% C. elegans: 21% E. coli: 20% D. melanogaster % 106431 Almén MS, Nordström KJ...
Percent of all ORFs that encode integral membrane proteins Various 20 to 30 % 109219 Wallin E, von Heijne...
Distance between cytoplasmic and outer membrane Bacteria Escherichia coli 100 Å 109061 DiRienzo JM, Nakamura K...
Relative amounts of membrane types in two kinds of eucaryotic cells Eukaryotes Table - link % of total cell membrane 110374 Alberts et al., Molecular...
Membrane proteins of mitochondria & chloroplasts Various Table - link N/A 111961 Guidotti G. Membrane...
Turnover time of plasma membrane Eukaryotes 0.5 to 2.0 Hours 106075 Mellman I, Fuchs R, Helenius...
Voltage used for membrane electroporation Unspecified 400 (300 to 600) mV 106079 I. G. ,Abidor, V. B....