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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Longevity Sea urchin Strongylocentrotus franciscanus >=100 years 105519 Sea Urchin Genome Sequencing...
Longevity of queen Ant <=30 Years 105985 Smith CD, Smith CR, Mueller U...
Increase in lifespan when on diet of golden root (Rhodiola rosea) Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster males 3.5 days: females 3.2 days days 113542 Khanna K, Mishra KP, Ganju L...
Change in the prevalence of DNA strand breaks throughout the life span of mammals Mammals Table - link N/A 104129 Hart RW, Turturro A....
Life span Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans 2 (1.5 - 3) Weeks 100303 Muschiol D, Schroeder F...
Phylogenetic tree, maximum lifespan data and adult body mass Rodent Figure - link N/A 113881 Ke Z et al., Translation...
Mutation rates for mitochondrial genome Mammals Orcinus orca 2.6×10^-3 (1.50–3.83×10^-3): mean for mammals 3.3×10^-2: other cetaceans 2.3×10^-3 substitutions/site/million years 112708 Morin PA. et al., Complete...
Cytochrome P450 enzyme turnover in vitro Mammals 0.96 - 4.33 days 113695 Darwich AS, Aslam U,...
Life expectancy of longest-lived spider Spider family Theraphosidae >30 years 116188 Mammola S, Michalik P...
Life span of higher termites Termite 250 (13 days fed by antibiotics that kill both bacteria and spirochetes) Days 106607 Nardi JB, Mackie RI,...
Geometric weighted combined mean (WX) and weighted arithmetic mean of enterocyte turnover Mammals mice WX 2.81±1.14: rat weighted arithmetic mean 2.37: human WX 3.48±1.55 days 113694 Darwich AS, Aslam U,...
Fraction of the energy needs of the body that are met by mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation Human Homo sapiens 90 % 107231 Tranah GJ. Mitochond...
Fraction of the functional mitochondrial genome that is encoded in the nucleus Human Homo sapiens >90 % 107232 Tranah GJ. Mitochond...
Average life span of a lab rat Rat Rattus norvegicus 2 Years 109451 Savas JN, Toyama BH, Xu T...
Life span of taste bud cell in tongue Rat Rattus norvegicus 250 (±50) hours 111427 Beidler LM, Smallman...
Leaf mass per area and leaf lifespan for 75 plants Plants Table - link N/A 107159 Wright et al., Convergence...
Generation time Frog Xenopus tropicalis 3 - 4.5 Table - link months 100506 Hirsch N, Zimmerman LB...
Epithelial cell turnover time in a well fed Hydra Hydra attenuata 3 - 4 days 111727 Martínez DE, Bridge D. Hydra...
Fossil calibration dates Mammals Table - link Myr 112709 Nabholz B, Glemin S,...
Comparison of cytochrome b and multilocus divergence date estimates Mammals Table - link Myr 112710 Nabholz B, Glemin S,...