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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Molecular mass of light harvesting complex 1 (LHCI) Unspecified 160 kDa 107089 The structure of a plant...
Properties of C. reinhardtii acclimated to different light and carbon supply regimes Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Table - link N/A 116812 Polukhina I, Fristedt R...
wavelength of blue light absorbed by cells expressing GFP Bacteria Escherichia coli 480-500 nm 101991 Elowitz et al. (1997)...
Wavelength of green light emitted by cells expressing GFP Bacteria Escherichia coli 507-511 nm 101992 Elowitz et al. (1997)...
Concentration of ADP in stroma after exposure to light Spinach Spinacia oleracea 0.76 (+-0.12) mM 103305 Heineke D, Riens B, Grosse H...
Concentration of DHAP in stroma after exposure to light Spinach Spinacia oleracea 0.39 (±0.2) mM 103306 Heineke D, Riens B, Grosse H...
Outer diameter of light harvesting complex II trimer Spinach Spinacia oleracea 26 nm 103911 Liu Z, Yan H, Wang K...
Fundemental frequency of oscillation of light-emitting bacteria bacteria 8 cycles/sec 116498 Haas E. Bioluminescence...
Duration of flashes of light emission in many luminous organisms Unspecified ~100 msec 116496 Haas E. Bioluminescence...
Pi concentration in Maize Mesophyll Chloroplasts in high light intensity Corn Zea mays 10.8 mM 103984 Usuda H. Adenine Nucleotide...
Concentration of ATP in stroma after exposure to light Spinach Spinacia oleracea 1.8 (+-0.28) mM 103304 Heineke D, Riens B, Grosse H...
ATP/ADP ratio in stroma after exposure to light Spinach Spinacia oleracea 2.4 Unitless 103316 Heineke D, Riens B, Grosse H...
ATP/ADP ratio in cytosol after exposure to light Spinach Spinacia oleracea 4.8 Unitless 103317 Heineke D, Riens B, Grosse H...
ATP/ADP ratio in mitochondria after exposure to light Spinach Spinacia oleracea 1.9 Unitless 103318 Heineke D, Riens B, Grosse H...
NADPH/NADP ratio in stroma after exposure to light Spinach Spinacia oleracea 0.5 Unitless 103331 Heineke D, Riens B, Grosse H...
Range of light intensity that can be seen by humans Human Homo sapiens <10^-2 photons/µm^2/sec (starlight) to >10^8 photons/µm^2/sec (bright sunlight) photons/µm^2/sec 111341 F. Rieke and D. A. Baylor...
Concentration of 3-PGA in stroma after exposure to light Spinach Spinacia oleracea 4 (+-1.3) mM 103307 Heineke D, Riens B, Grosse H...
High- and low-light acclimation of zooxanthellae Stylophora pistillata Dinoflagellates Table - link N/A 114538 Iluz D, Dubinsky Z. Coral...
Light intensities in the shadowed lower canopy of plants when exposed in sun light to 1500 μmol/m^2/sec Plants 1 to 10 μmol/m^2/sec 107739 Keren N, Berg A, van Kan PJ...
Measurements during logarithmic growth as a function of light intensity Protist Euglena spp. Table - link N/A 110195 Cook JR. Adaptations...