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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Length of the intestinal tract and its subdivisions for reference adult male Human Homo sapiens Table - link cm 110317 Snyder WS, Cook MJ, Nasset ES...
Weights for the total gastrointestinal tract and its subdivisions for reference adult male and reference adult female Human Homo sapiens Table - link grams 110316 Snyder WS, Cook MJ, Nasset ES...
Composition of the human gastrointestinal microflora Human Homo sapiens Table - link CFU/ml or CFU/g 112843 A. Lidbeck and C. E. Nord...
Distribution and composition of bacterial species in the gastrointestinal tract Human Homo sapiens Figure link - link CFU/mL 112858 Dueñas M et al., Studies...
Dimensions of vertebrate cells Various Table - link N/A 102121 Altman, P.L., and Dittmer...
Intermitotic time -G1, G2 and S phase duration Various Table - link N/A 102204 Altman, P.L., and Dittmer...
Mitotic Indexes for mammalian and amphibian tissues Various Table - link N/A 102203 Altman, P.L., and Dittmer...
Electric Resistance of some epithelial tissues Various Table - link N/A 104108 Stein, Wilfred D., Channels...
Physical properties, blood content, and gross content of reference man Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 110723 Snyder WS, Cook MJ, Nasset ES...