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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Atomic mass unit constants 1.66053873 (±1.3×10^-36) 10^-27 kg 101925 David R. Lide. CRC Handbook...
Fraction of flatus that is carbon dioxide Human Homo sapiens 5 - 50 % 113401 Rowland I et al., Gut...
Titre and rate constant (kcat/Km) of superoxide dismutases (SODs) and steady state O2− (superoxide) concentration Bacteria Escherichia coli SOD titre 20μM: SOD kcat/Km 10^9M^−1×s^−1: O2− steady-state concentration ~0.2nM N/A 112948 Imlay JA. The molecular...
Strengths of covalent bonds Generic Table - link kJ/mol 108515 Israelachvili Jacob,...
Standard redox potential of CO2 to acetate Unspecified -290 mV 104403 Harold L. Drake, Kirsten...
Standard redox potential of sulfate to sulfide Unspecified -220 mV 104405 Harold L. Drake, Kirsten...
Standard redox potential of CO2/CO half cell Unspecified -520 mV 104406 Harold L. Drake, Kirsten...
Standard redox potential of nitrate/ammonium half cell Unspecified 360 mV 104408 Harold L. Drake, Kirsten...
Standard redox potential of water/oxygen Generic 800 mV 104500 Berks BC, Ferguson SJ...
Energy required to break important covalent bonds found in biological molecules Generic Table - link kcal/mol 111025 Lodish et al., Molecular...
Thermodynamic parameters for burying a solvent-accessible phenyl group vertebrates Table - link N/A 109154 Kelley RF, O'Connell...
The vertical distance in an alpha helix between structurally equivalent atoms in a turn (pitch of a turn) Generic 5.4 Angstrom 112110 Pauling, L Corey, RB Branson...
Bjerrum length in water constants 7.1 Å 106405 Stevens MJ. Simple s...
rate of C-H bond cleavage versus C-D bond Generic 8 times faster 101514 Molecular Driving Forces:...
Atomic solvation parameters determined with different surface descriptors Generic Table - link N/A 111582 Horton N, Lewis M. C...
The generation of reactive oxygen species and the enzymes used for scavenging Bacteria Escherichia coli Figure - link V 112941 Imlay JA. The molecular...
PH in stroma of plants and algae Various ~7.5 - 8.5 unitless 116867 Hopkinson, B.M., 2014....
Average intracellular PH at an extracellular pH of 7.5 Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum 7.6 unitless 116868 Hopkinson, B.M., 2014....
Cytoplasmic pH over the range of ocean pH (7.8–8.4) Diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii 7.2 - 7.5 unitless 116869 Hopkinson, B.M., 2014....
Coefficient for diffusion of H2 in water at 25°C Generic 4800 (Table - link) µm^2/sec 106473 Maxarei, A.F. and Sandall...