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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Level of caloric restriction and resulting tumor incidence reduction Mouse Mus musculus Table - link % 112393 Albanes D. Total calories...
Fraction of total cell mass that are lipids Bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae 20 % of total cell mass 115501 Wodke JA et al., Dissecting...
Fraction of total fatty acids that are fatty acids with carbon chains of 16 and 18 carbons length Bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae ~95 % of total fatty acids 115502 Wodke JA et al., Dissecting...
Extracellular tumor pH Human Homo sapiens 6.44 to 6.79 Unitless 106073 van Sluis R, Bhujwalla ZM...
Composition and energy content of milk Mammals Table - link N/A 109498 Kleiber M. The fire of...
Hexokinase as a percentage of total proteins in an erythrocyte Human Homo sapiens 4e-4 % 101898 Stocchi, V., M. Magnani...
Total glycogen stores in adults Human Homo sapiens ≈200 - 500 grams 110214 Flatt JP. Use and storage...
Percent of dietary protein absorbed in the first 70 cm of small intestine Human Homo sapiens 80 % 102109 Michael A. Savageau, 1983...
Percent of dietary sugar absorbed in the first 70 cm of small intestine Human Homo sapiens 75 % 102111 Michael A. Savageau, 1983...
Energy stored per gram of adipose tissue Human Homo sapiens ≈33.5 kJ/gram adipose tissue 110216 Flatt JP. Use and storage...
Mean weight of each side of the human female breast Human Homo sapiens ~340 g 115534 Tomasetti C, Li L, Vogelstein...
Common supply of carbohydrate in a meal Human Homo sapiens 50 - 150 grams 110206 Flatt JP. Use and storage...
Free glucose present in the body Human Homo sapiens 15 - 25 grams 110207 Flatt JP. Use and storage...
Fraction of the energy content of glucose that must be expended to store it as glycogen Human Homo sapiens ≈5 % 110210 Flatt JP. Use and storage...
Energy density of glycogen stores Human Homo sapiens ≈4.2 kJ/gram 110211 Flatt JP. Use and storage...
Adult’s liver weight Human Homo sapiens ≈1.5 kg 110212 Flatt JP. Use and storage...
Fraction of total body weight that is muscles Human Homo sapiens 20 - 30 % 110213 Flatt JP. Use and storage...
Total proton motive force across the membrane of a respiring mitchondria Mitochondria 172 (±12 Table - link) mV 101103 Mollica MP, Iossa S,...
Cholesterol content of hair lipid Human Homo sapiens children 3.7 %: adults 12.2 % 116979 Robbins, Clarence R....
Fraction of all free fatty acids in the circulation Human Homo sapiens Oleic acid, palmitic acid & stearic acid ~78% Linoleic acid & arachidonic acid ~8% % 110990 Quehenberger et al.,...