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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Predicted and Measured entropy of crystalline Bovine chymotrypsinogen Cow Bos Taurus Table - link eu/mole 107165 Grosz R, Stephanopoulos...
Ranges of thermochemical property values Generic Table - link N/A 110593 Robert N. Goldberg and...
Changes of Gibbs free energies under standard conditions in hydrogen-consuming reactions involved in interspecies hydrogen transfer Generic Table - link N/A 108746 Stanley Falkow, Eugene...
Energy balances during growth on glucose without pH adjustment Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Figure link - link N/A 106338 Larsson C, Blomberg A...
Lactic acid metabolic pathway reactions with the standard reaction Gibbs energies and enthalpies Unspecified Table - link N/A 106539 Vojinovic V, von Stockar...
Yield of aerobic oxidation of endogenous substrates Unspecified 20 J/ml O2 105794 Makarieva AM, Gorshkov VG...
Melting and transition temperatures of pure carbohydrates Generic Table - link ˚C 110587 Robert N. Goldberg and...
Densities and cubic expansion coefficients of the pure carbohydrates near 298˚K obtained from the literature Generic Table - link ρ/g/cm^-3 110588 Robert N. Goldberg and...
Thermodynamic data for anomeric conversions at 298.15˚K Generic Table - link N/A 110589 Robert N. Goldberg and...
Growth yields, basal respiratory activity and calculated ATP turnover rate of yeast cells during lactate-limited growth Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Table - link N/A 111642 Dejean L, Beauvoit B...
Thermodynamic parameters of binding of peptides to POPC vesicles at 25°C Generic Table - link N/A 106970 Russell AL et al., D...
Electrostatic work required to transfer a K+ ion from the aqueous medium of high dielectric constant to the interior of the low dielectric constant membrane Generic ~250 kJ/mol 109160 Latorre R, Miller C....
Calculated values of thermochemical properties at 298.15˚K Generic Table - link N/A 110592 Robert N. Goldberg and...
Typical heat power delivered by a cell Rodent ≤~100 pW 110889 Baffou G, Rigneault H...
Intracellular concentrations, without and with complex formation, of ions making significant contributions to ionic strength in red blood cells Mammals Table - link N/A 106145 Mouat MF, Manchester...
Simulation parameters of the (microtubule and dynein) gliding assay [to be approved once article is peer-reviewd] Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Table - link N/A 114036 Kunalika Jain, Neha Khetan...
Strength of hydrogen bond from HO-H to H3O+ Generic 18.3 (Table - link) KJ/mole 103913 Markovitch O, Agmon N....
Enthalpies and entropies of fusion for n-alkanes and their cyclic analogues Generic Table - link kJ/mol 111417 Mark S. Searle , Dudley...
DNA polymerase error rate accounted for by the free-energy difference between correct and incorrect base pairs in solution Generic 0.01 unitless 105468 Kunkel TA. Evolving views...
Some useful numbers concerning vertebrate skeletal muscle (frog sartorius at 0˚C) Frog Table - link N/A 116073 Clive. R. Bagshaw, Muscle...