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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Fraction of energy consumed by ribosomal translation Various Rapidly growing bacterial cell ~50%: differentiating mammalian cell ~30% % 110441 Li GW, Burkhardt D, Gross C...
Energy needed for human at "white collar" work Human Homo sapiens 8000 kJ 100729 Sustainable energy, Tester...
Percent of nutrient energy intake lost in urine Human Homo sapiens 5 % 103268 Rolfe DF, Brown GC. Cellular...
Percent of nutrient energy intake lost in feces Human Homo sapiens 4 % 103269 Rolfe DF, Brown GC. Cellular...
Standard gibbs free energy for aerobic degradation of hexose Generic -2870 kJ/mol 104422 Schink B. Energetics...
Metabolisable energy (from carbohydrates) of sugar (sucrose) Generic 16.1 kJ / g nutrient 101932 Kenneth Blaxter. Energy...
Gibbs free energy of hydrolysis of energy-rich compounds involved in Substrate Level Phosphorylation (SLP) Various Table - link N/A 104429 Thauer RK, Jungermann K...
Energy requirements for polymerization of macromolecules Unspecified Table - link N/A 106067 Sheikh K, Förster J,...
Free energy of protein-protein association Mammals Table - link N/A 107884 Chothia C, Janin J. ...
Composition and energy content of milk Mammals Table - link N/A 109498 Kleiber M. The fire of...
Free energy of formation of biomass Bacteria Escherichia coli -11±1 kcal/mol C 107166 Grosz R, Stephanopoulos...
Energy in biological oxidation of carbohydrates Generic 4 kcal/g 100840
Energy in biological oxidation of proteins Generic 4 kcal/g 100841
Electromagnetic radiation, wavelength, frquency and energy Generic Table - link N/A 105623 Lawlor, D. W, Photo...
Percent of of intracellular protein degradation dependent on metabolic energy Bacteria Escherichia coli ≤90 % 109917 Maurizi MR. Proteases...
Energy reaching primordial Earth from electric discharge, radioactivity, volcanism, or meteoritic impacts Biosphere 0.0062 W/m^2 104559 Jorg Overmann and Ferran...
Energy needed for human at hard exercise or work Human Homo sapiens 20000 kJ 100730 Sustainable energy, Tester...
Gibbs free energy for formation of various metabolites Bacteria Escherichia coli Table - link N/A 103416 Kümmel A, Panke S, Heinemann...
Energy costs of various processes in photographs Unspecified Table - link kJ/mol 112728 John A Raven. The energetics...
Fraction of the energy requirement of the coral animal that is supplied by dinoflagellates of the genus Symbiodinium Coral ≤~95 % of energy requirement 114524 Blackall LL, Wilson B...