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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Time for transduction of olfactory stimulus to nervous system Tiger salamander Ambystoma tigrinum ~150 msec 112580 Olofsson JK. Time to...
Number of neurons and microglia in each body ganglia of the nervous system European medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalis neurons ~400: microglia ~10,000 N/A 114496 Biber K, Owens T, Boddeke...
Duration of reconsolidation (during which memory trace becomes labile and subject to long term revision by psychological processes) Human Homo sapiens 5 minutes to 1 hour N/A 113185 Post RM, Kegan R. Prevention...
Ratio between peak synaptic density in early childhood compared to adult density Human Homo sapiens 1.5 - 2 times higher in childhood peak 113751 Chechik G, Meilijson I...
Ratio between energy demands per unit weight of brain and that of muscle Human Homo sapiens ~16 times higher in brain 113753 Leonard WR, Robertson ML...
Fraction of daily energy budget allocated to brain Mammals adult human ~20-25: other primates 8-10: other (non-primate) mammals 3-5 % 113754 Leonard WR, Robertson ML...
Concentration of glutamate in forebrain and cerebellum (about 50% less in various parts of brain stem) Unspecified 10 µmol/g 115056 Krnjević, K. "Chemical...
Number of granule cells that are associated with one Purkinje cell in cerebellum (in humans this number is ten times greater) Rat Rattus norvegicus ~300 granules cells 115026 Morgado E et al., Th...
Brain weight of Eurasian pygmy shrew (Sorex minutus) and sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) Mammals Sorex minutus 0.25: Physeter macrocephalus 9,000 grams 115167 Haug H. Brain sizes, surfaces...
Comparison of the dimensions of hippocampal CA1 dendritic spines with cerebellar dendritic spines Rat Rattus norvegicus Table - link N/A 111664 KM Harris and JK Stevens...
Fraction of ATP produced in central nervous system Unspecified mitochondria (using the citric acid cycle followed by oxidative phosphorylation) ~93: glycolysis ~7 % 111657 Harris JJ, Jolivet R...
Axonal action potential properties from recent studies of cell types in three major brain regions Mammals Table - link N/A 111176 Kress GJ, Mennerick S....
Once internalized (in endocytosis), synaptic vesicles become reavailable for exocytosis in Rat Rattus norvegicus ~30 sec 112763 Ryan TA et al., The kinetics...
Stability of dendritic spines in visual cortex Mouse Mus musculus 94% of spines were stable >three days: 81% stable >2 weeks: 73% stable >one month % 112030 Meyer, M.P., Niell, C.M...
Fraction of the time that the late-spiking (LS) inhibitory interneuron made electrical synapses to other LS cells in layer I of the neocortex Rat Rattus norvegicus 83 % of the time 117161 Connors BW, Long MA....
Age (of cell) in which newly generated granule cells begin to make functional afferent and efferent connections (after having migrated into the granule cell layer of the DG (dentate gyrus, in hippocampus)) in adult animals Mouse Mus musculus ~2 weeks of age of granule cell 117233 Josselyn SA, Frankland...
Fraction of all dentate gyrus granule cells that are new (defined as <8 weeks of age) neurons Rat Rattus norvegicus at 3 months old >25%: at 12 months old 5% % of all dentate gyrus granule cells 117231 Josselyn SA, Frankland...
Rough number of CA3 (Cornu Ammonis region 3 (in hippocampus)) pyramidal neurons each dentate gyrus granule cell contacts with Rat Rattus norvegicus 10-15 CA3 pyramidal neurons 117232 Josselyn SA, Frankland...
"Horizon of simultaneity" - distance from the observer that will result in the approximate synchronous arrival of auditory and visual information at the primary sensory cortices Human Homo sapiens 10 - 15 meters 112389 The neural bases of ...
Density of presynaptic terminals along the parallel fibers or ascending segments in brain Mouse Mus musculus 1 presynaptic terminal/4µm 112026 Li L et al., Visualizing...