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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Turnover rate of RuBisCO (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase) Unspecified ~3 1/sec 113450 Ma F, Jazmin LJ, Young JD...
Time for auditory and visual stimuli to reach the brain Mammals auditory stimulus 8-10msec: visual stimulus 20-40msec msec 110801 [1] Kemp, B. J. 1973....
Number of birds lost to predation by domestic cats in the USA each year according to different sources Biosphere Winkler et al., 80 million birds/year: Walsberg 319 - 638 birds/year 116947 Kevin J. Gaston & Tim...
Fraction of the whole cell Ca2+ current carried by L channel (L-type calcium channel) in pig, cow & human Mammals 15-20 % of the whole cell Ca2+ current 113138 García AG et al., Calcium...
Chromosome number (2n) Human Homo sapiens 46 unitless 100426 Animal Genome Size Database...
Percent of prefrontal lobe volume out of neocortex volume macaque 11.5 Percent 103174 Fuster JM. Frontal lobe...
Percent of prefrontal lobe volume out of neocortex volume dog 12.5 Percent 103176 Fuster JM. Frontal lobe...
Diameter of hepatocyte nucleus Rat Rattus norvegicus 8 µm 104261 Peters R. Nucleo-cytoplasmic...
Velocities of axonic transport Eukaryotes Table - link mm/day 106419 Emin Oztas, Neuronal tracing...
Chromosome number (2n) Mouse Mus musculus 40 unitless 100335 Animal Genome Size Database...
Brain weight, encephalization quotient and number of cortical neurons in selected mammals Mammals Table - link Unitless 109326 Roth G, Dicke U. Evolution...
Volume of the neocortex Human Homo sapiens 489 cm^3 103188 Pakkenberg B, Gundersen...
Velocity of action potential in giant fiber at 10 to 15°C Catfish Ameiurus 50 to 60 m/s 108967 Bullock TH, Horridge...
Velocity of action potential in giant fiber at 20 to 25°C Fish Carp Cyprinus 55 to 63 m/s 108968 Bullock TH, Horridge...
Velocity of action potential in giant fiber at 20°C African lungfish Protopterus 19 m/s 108969 Bullock TH, Horridge...
Velocity of action potential in dorsal roots Fish skate Raja 8 to 36 m/s 108970 Bullock TH, Horridge...
Velocity of action potential in giant fiber at 20°C Lamprey Entosphenus 5 m/s 108971 Bullock TH, Horridge...
Transport rate of microtubules and neurofilaments by slow component a (SCa) of axonal anterograde transport Rat Rattus norvegicus 1 to 2 mm/day 106706 Hoffman PN. A conditioning...
Comparisons of theory with measurement for scaling powers b in the relation Y∝(mammal mass)^b for quantity Y Mammals Table - link Unitless 107670 Dawson TH. Scaling laws...
Idealized scaling relations for resting mammals, where variable Y is proportional to (mammal mass)^b Mammals Table - link Unitless 107671 Dawson TH. Scaling laws...