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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Origins and emerging consensus of the 10:1 ratio of virus abundance to bacteria abundance in aquatic systems - from freshwater lakes to the global oceans Biosphere Table - link N/A 112654 Charles H. Wigington et al....
Number of microbial species on Earth Biosphere 10^11 - 10^12 species 113932 Locey KJ, Lennon JT....
Metabolic rates in prokaryotes and unicellular eukaryotes Microbes Table - link N/A 105785 Makarieva AM, Gorshkov VG...
Average protein lengths Various Bacteria 250 to 350: Eukaryotes ~500 Amino acids 108984 Dirson Jian Li and Shengli...
Percent of microbial species that have been cultured prokaryote <=1 % 105600 Hugenholtz P. Exploring...
Percentage of proteins with long disordered regions Various Eukaryotes 27-41 Archaea 4-24 Bacteria 2-21 % 109456 Uversky VN. Intrinsically...
Protein size summary Various Archaea ~283: Bacteria ~319: Eukaryota ~472: Table - link aa 108019 Tiessen A, Pérez-Rodríguez P...
Number of fungal genera detected in every faecal sample from apparently healthy individuals Human Homo sapiens >50 fungal genera 113941 Stappenbeck TS, Virgin...
Productivity of microbial mat in Ebro river delta Biosphere 200 gC/m^2/year 107223 Hubas C, Jesus B, Passarelli...
Virus concentration in marine surface sediments Virus 9.6e+8 (1e8-35.3e8) Copies/gram 104963 Danovaro R, Dell'Anno A...
Fraction of adult weight that is microorganisms Human Homo sapiens 1 - 3 % 110478 MacDougall, Raymond (13...
Quantity of dissolved DNA in aquatic environments Biosphere ~10 µg/liter 111598 Landenmark HK, Forgan DH...
Concentration of DNA in soil Biosphere ~10 µg DNA/g soil 111599 Landenmark HK, Forgan DH...
Fraction of total biomass in the ocean that is microorganisms Biosphere >= (>90) % 105603 Suttle CA. Marine vi...
Average genome size (for viruses 0.039518 Mb, see comments section) Various prokaryotes 3.2147 plants 5,958 animals 4,456 algae 855.59 unicellular eukaryotes 59.529 fungi 31.87 Mb 111596 Landenmark HK, Forgan DH...
Distance between repeating DNA dinucleotides Influenza 11 bp 103152 Garcia HG, Grayson P...
Cell diameter Archeae Methanosarcina acetivorans 2.3±0.2μm grown on methanol: 1.8±0.2μm grown on acetate μm 106688 Hildenbrand C, Stock T...
Cell diameter Green algae Micromonas pusilla 1 to 2 μm 108068 Beveridge TJ. Ultrastructure...
Fraction of prokaryotes in oceanic surface waters killed daily by viruses Biosphere 20 to 40 % 106625 Suttle CA. Marine vi...
Fraction of microbial biomass in the ocean killed daily by viruses Biosphere 20 % 105604 Suttle CA. Marine vi...