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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Persistence length of F-actin Generic 17 (±2 Table - link) µm 105505 van Mameren J, Vermeulen KC...
Percent of fibroblast that is outer actin cortex Unspecified 17-23 % 105691 Teo SK, Goryachev AB...
Estimated size of β-actin mRNA Mouse Mus musculus <25 nm 111843 Grünwald D, Singer RH....
Total number of filaments in each actin ring Fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe ~500 to 1,500 Dynamic actin filaments 109573 D.N. Robinson, Y.-S. Kee...
Total concentration of actin and related proteins Unspecified G-actin 100μM: profilin 10μM: thymosin-β4 200 μM μM 112134 Kiuchi T, Nagai T, Ohashi K...
Diameter of spherical actin patches Fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe 100-300 nm 102267 Takagi T, Ishijima SA...
Diffusion coefficient of G-actin in cytoplasm Mammals 3 - 30 μm^2/s 112133 Kiuchi T, Nagai T, Ohashi K...
Flexural rigidity of F-actin Generic 7.1E-26 (±0.8e-26) N×m^2 105504 van Mameren J, Vermeulen KC...
Molecular mass of chick actin Chicken Gallus gallus 46000 Da 111043 Tilney LG, Mooseker M....
Average length of F-actin filament Fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe ~0.6 Table - link μm 109257 Kamasaki T, Osumi M,...
Barbed end Actin-ATP association rate constant Unspecified 12 1/s 100568 Pollard TD, Borisy GG....
Barbed end Actin-ATP dissociation rate constant Unspecified 1.4 1/(µM*s) 100569 Pollard TD, Borisy GG....
Barbed end Actin-ADP dissociation rate constant Unspecified 8 1/s 100571 Pollard TD, Borisy GG....
Pointed end Actin-ATP dissociation rate constant Unspecified 0.8 1/s 100573 Pollard TD, Borisy GG....
Pointed end Actin-ADP dissociation rate constant Unspecified 0.3 1/s 100575 Pollard TD, Borisy GG....
Estimates of actin filament concentrations in lamellipodia Mammals 700-1,600 μM 112789 Koestler, S.A., K. Rottner...
Rate constants for actin polymerization and depolymerization Unspecified Table - link N/A 107898 Jonathon Howard, Mechanics...
Barbed end Actin-ADP association rate constant Unspecified 4 1/(µM*s) 100570 Pollard TD, Borisy GG....
Pointed end Actin-ATP association rate constant Unspecified 1.3 1/(µM*s) 100572 Pollard TD, Borisy GG....
Pointed end Actin-ADP association rate constant Unspecified 0.16 1/(µM*s) 100574 Pollard TD, Borisy GG....