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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Photosynthetic carbon response parameters of Synechococcus spp. and Cyanobium spp. Cyanobacteria Table - link N/A 117047 Whitehead L, Long BM...
PPDK content in leaves in 25 degrees celsius Grass Miscanthus giganteus 0.3 g/meter^2 104538 Wang D, Portis AR Jr...
Carboxysome diameter Cyanobacteria 90 – 250 nm 109899 Price GD, Badger MR,...
Fraction of CO2 assimilated through photosynthesis that is typically lost via photorespiration in C3 crops like rice and wheat Plants 25 % 114625 Wilson, R.H. & Whitney...
RuBisCO's concentration is higher than that of other Calvin–Benson cycle enzymes by Unspecified 10 to 20 Fold 107431 Stitt M, Lunn J, Usadel...
Fraction of global primary production contributed by anoxygenic photosynthesis (therefore rubisco is responsible for >99% of carbon fixation globally) Biosphere <<1 % 113693 Jorg Overmann and Ferran...
Specificity factors and component kinetic constants fo RuBP carboxylase/oxygenase Plants Table - link N/A 102720 Jordan DB, Ogren WL....
Growth phenotypes and doubling times of strains Bacteria Rhodospirillum spp. Table - link N/A 112612 Dey S et al., In Vivo...
Fraction of CO2 assimilated photosynthetically that is lost through photorespiration in C3 crops like rice and wheat C3 plants 25 % 113686 Robert H. Wilson, Spencer...
test by ron Unspecified 4 (Table - link) nm 115878 nM Table link - http...
Kinetic data for Rubiscos from various bacteria, algae, and higher plants Various Table - link N/A 101692 Tcherkez, GG., Farquhar...
Fraction of carboxysome volume occupied by RuBisCOs Cyanobacterium Synechococcus WH8102 27 % 101680 Iancu et al. The Structure...
Average number of RuBisCOs per carboxysome (octamers) Cyanobacterium Synechococcus WH8102 232 (±18 (207-269)) molecules/carboxysome 101678 Iancu et al. The Structure...
Percent of the carbon fixed by the Calvin cycle that is drained away by photorespiration Unspecified ≤50 % 109883 Cheng S, Liu Y, Crowley CS...
Turnover time of metabolites of the Calvin–Benson cycle Unspecified 0.1 to 1.0 Sec 107434 Stitt M, Lunn J, Usadel...
Kinetic parameters of wild-type and evolved R. rubrum Rubiscos Bacteria Rhodospirillum rubrum Table - link N/A 105715 Mueller-Cajar O, Morell M...
Composition of carboxysome Cyanobacteria Synechococcus WH8102 Shell protein CcmK ~5,000: RuBisCO ~2000 monomers/carboxysome 105883 Savage DF, Afonso B, Chen AH...
Content of RuBPC and PPDK polypeptides in the first leaves and flag leaves of two wheat species Plants Table - link N/A 104545 Aoyagi K, Bassham JA....
Kinetic data for Rubiscos from various bacteria, algae, and higher plants Various Table - link N/A 103708 Tcherkez GG, Farquhar GD...
Photorespiratory CO2 losses in moderate conditions Soybean Glycine max ~20 % of net photosynthesis 111969 Bauwe H, Hagemann M,...