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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Number of ATP hydrolysed to transmit a bit at a chemical synapse Blowfly Calliphora vicina 10000 Unitless 103553 Laughlin SB, de Ruyter...
Number of molecules of rhodopsin in each rod cell Mammals ~40,000,000 molecules/rod cell 108323 Arnadóttir J, Chalfie...
Index of refraction Bacteria Escherichia coli 1.04 unitless 109615 Encyclopedia of Industrial...
Number of membrane disks in rod photoreceptor cell Toad ~2,000 disks/cell 111343 F. Rieke and D. A. Baylor...
Retinal bipolar cell soma transverse width/diameter Human Homo sapiens 16 ([11,22]) µm 112291 Crooks, J. and Kolb, H....
Number of subtypes of retinal neurons Vertebrates ~60 subtypes 117170 Bloomfield SA, Völgyi...
Cone photoreceptor soma transverse width/diameter Human Homo sapiens 16 ([12,18]) µm 112292 Crooks, J. and Kolb, H....
Rod photoreceptor soma transverse width/diameter Human Homo sapiens 12 ([10,14]) µm 112293 Crooks, J. and Kolb, H....
Retinal ganglion cell soma transverse width/diameter Human Homo sapiens 26 ([21,32]) µm 112294 Crooks, J. and Kolb, H....
Highest density of cones at center of the fovea Macaque Macaca nemestrina 189000 cones/mm^2 105345 Curcio CA, Sloan KR Jr...
Time for conversion of rhodopsin to photorhodopsin Cow Bos Taurus 200 fsec 111395 Saari JC. Biochemistry...
Number of transducin molecules that one single molecule of the light-activated receptor rhodopsin can turn over in intact rod cells Toad Bufo marinus >3,000 transducins/rhodopsin 110989 Kahlert, M., and K. P....
Number of rhodopsin molecules in rod photoreceptor cell vertebrates toad ~3×10^9: mammal ~10^8 rhodopsins/rod 111344 F. Rieke and D. A. Baylor...
Number of discernible colors Human Homo sapiens 10^6 - 2×10^6 different colors 112607 Meister M., On the d...
Quantitation of the Major ROS (Rod Outer Segment) Proteins Bullfrog Rana catesbeiana Table - link N/A 107942 Hamm HE, Bownds MD. Protein...
Two possible depths of foveal pit Birds shallow 80-120 or deep 190-240 µm 117189 Bringmann A. Structure...
Improvement in signal-to-noise ratio of each cone following coupling between foveal cones Ground squirrel Spermophilus tridecimlinatus ~80 % 117168 Bloomfield SA, Völgyi...
Number of CCSs [clathrin-coated structures] in RPE [retinal pigment epithelium] cells Human Homo sapiens ~9,000±3,000 CCSs/cell 112144 Aguet F, Antonescu CN...
Mean activation time in situ of one Gt (transducin) molecule vertebrates ~1 millisec/transducin 111000 Kahlert, M., and K. P....
Ratio of cone to ganglion cells in central fovea macaque 1 cone/2 ganglion cells N/A 100708 Schein SJ. Anatomy of...