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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Rate constants for tubulin polymerization and depolymerization Unspecified Table - link N/A 107899 Jonathon Howard, Mechanics...
Section of mitochondrion Various Diagram - link nm 107022 Frey TG, Mannella CA....
rate of catastrophe (average) African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 0.012 (0.009 - 0.015) 1/s 100922 F. verde et al, J Cell...
Surface area of monosaturated phosphatidylcholine head group in lipid bilayer Generic 67.7-70.1 Å^2 105301 Lewis BA, Engelman DM....
Density of D2O at 20°C Generic 1.1054 g/ml 108143 Huang C, Charlton JP....
Average protein to protein distance at biological membranes Generic 10 nm 104701 Phillips R, Ursell T...
Properties of the major components of outer membrane bacteria Table - link N/A 103339 Nikaido Hiroshi, Outer...
Diameter of caveola Generic 50-100 nm 103743 Yao Y, Hong S, Zhou H...
Number of presynaptic calcium channels open for each vesicle that is released Rat Rattus norvegicus 60 Unitless 103550 Borst, J.G.G. & Sakmann...
Absorption properties of chlorophylls in diethylether at room temperature Unspecified Table - link N/A 109488 Editors:Bernhard Grimm...
Characteristics of pigment-protein complexes of thylakoid membranes of oxygen evolving photolithotrophs prokaryote Table - link N/A 106371 Raven JA (1984) ‘Energetics...
Maximum yield of cytosolic ATP from the complete oxidation of sucrose to CO2 via aerobic glycolysis and the citric acid cycle Unspecified Table - link ATP per sucrose 106752 Taiz & Zeiger Plant ...
Calcium oscillations in various cells when exposed to different stimuli Multiple Organisms Table - link N/A 101359 Lauffenburger, Douglas A....
Rate of rescue (average) African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 0.018 (0.014 - 0.022) 1/s 100923 Verde F, Dogterom M,...
Surface area of saturated phosphatidylcholine head group in lipid bilayer Generic 65.7-66.5 Table - link Å^2 105300 Lewis BA, Engelman DM....
Energy costs of various processes in phototrophs Various Table - link N/A 105382 Raven JA (1984) ‘Energetics...
Carboxysome cross section bacteria 80 - 150 nm 109880 Cheng S, Liu Y, Crowley CS...
Changes in cross-sectional shape or in curvature of lipids associated with membranal proteins Unspecified Table - link N/A 103607 Marsh D. Lateral pressure...
Average number of macromolecules in the immediate neighborhood of a 50S ribosomal subunit Generic >25 neighbours 108464 McGuffee SR, Elcock AH....
Thickness of subcellular membranes Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Table - link nm 108567 Schneiter R et al., ...