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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Percent of hair out of total body weight Human Homo sapiens 0.03 (Table - link) % 109611 HH Mitchell et al., The...
Percent of lungs out of total body weight Human Homo sapiens 4.15 (Table - link) % 109613 HH Mitchell et al., The...
Percent of kidneys out of total body weight Human Homo sapiens 0.51 (Table - link) % 109606 HH Mitchell et al., The...
Percent of alimentary tract out of total body weight Human Homo sapiens 2.07 (Table - link) % 109608 HH Mitchell et al., The...
Percent of adipose tissue out of total body weight Human Homo sapiens 13.63 (Table - link) % 109609 HH Mitchell et al., The...
Percent of bile out of total body weight Human Homo sapiens 0.15 (Table - link) % 109610 HH Mitchell et al., The...
Percent of heart out of total body weight Human Homo sapiens 0.69 (Table - link) % 109604 HH Mitchell et al., The...
Percent of spleen out of total body weight Human Homo sapiens 0.19 (Table - link) % 109605 HH Mitchell et al., The...
Percent of skin out of total body weight Human Homo sapiens 7.81 (Table - link) % 109580 HH Mitchell et al., The...
Percent of teeth out of total body weight Human Homo sapiens 0.06 (Table - link) % 109581 HH Mitchell et al., The...
Percent of brain, spinal cord and nerve trunks out of total body weight Human Homo sapiens 2.52 (Table - link) % 109582 HH Mitchell et al., The...
Percent of liver out of total body weight Human Homo sapiens 3.41 (Table - link) % 109583 HH Mitchell et al., The...
Mean life-span of β-cell in 10 month old rat Rat Rattus norvegicus ~6 Months 107219 Manesso E, Toffolo GM...
Concentration of insulin Human Homo sapiens 36–179 pmol/L: 5–25 μU/L Table - link N/A 110261 Council for Continuing...
Concentration of glucagon Human Homo sapiens 50-200 ng/L 50-200 pg/mL Table - link N/A 110259 Council for Continuing...
Number of insulin molecules in insulin granule Human Homo sapiens ~1,000,000 insulin molecule/granule 109972 Rorsman P, Braun M. ...
Average number of parathyroid glands Human Homo sapiens 4 (1-12) glands 110322 Snyder WS, Cook MJ, Nasset ES...
Fit functions and parameters for the insulin, glucagon and epinephrine glucose-hormone responses Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 110778 Konig M, Bulik S, Holzhütter...
Fasting insulin concentration in blood of healthy lean individuals Human Homo sapiens 18 - 90 pmol/L 109964 Wilcox G. Insulin and...
Accumulated amount of iron in the human body Human Homo sapiens ≤20 g 114082 Valko M et al., Redox-...