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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Number of white blood cells Human Homo sapiens 5-9 thousand/mm^3 100938 Amazing numbers in biology...
Number of lymphocytes and their mean blood transit time Human Homo sapiens ~10^10 lymphocytes: lymphocytes' mean blood transit time 25±6 min lymphocytes/day 113430 Pabst R. The spleen in...
Time for removal of senescent red blood cell Mouse Mus musculus 42 Days 104867 de Jong K, Emerson RK...
Number of red blood cells Human Homo sapiens 4.0-5.5 million/mm^3 100937 Amazing numbers in biology...
Number of CD34(+) stem cells from whole blood Human Homo sapiens 19 (Table - link) CD34(+) cells out of a million blood cells 109380 Gurkan UA, Anand T, Tas H...
Number of CD4(+) stem cells from whole blood Human Homo sapiens 195 (Table - link) CD4(+) cells out of a million blood cells 109381 Gurkan UA, Anand T, Tas H...
Number of CD4(+) stem cells from whole blood Human Homo sapiens 195 (Table - link) CD4(+) cells out of a million blood cells 109384 Gurkan UA, Anand T, Tas H...
Lifespan of red blood cell Human Homo sapiens ~127 days 107875 Shemin D, Rittenberg...
Blood group-active proteins–abundance and function where known Metazoa animals Table - link 10^3 copies/cell 106728 Anstee DJ. The functional...
Concentration of bicarbonate in blood Mammals 25 mM 106513 Orij R, Brul S, Smits...
Concentration of Eosinophils in blood Human Homo sapiens 2e+8 cells/liter 103562 Alberts, Molecular biology...
Concentration of Basophils in blood Human Homo sapiens 4e+7 cells/liter 103563 Alberts, Molecular biology...
Hemoglobin concentration in human blood Human Homo sapiens 150 g/l 100935 Amazing numbers in biology...
Thickness (height) of red blood cell Human Homo sapiens 2 µm 100799 Optimality principles...
Concentration of monocytes in blood Human Homo sapiens 4e+8 cells/liter 103557 Alberts, Molecular biology...
Concentration of neutrophils in blood Human Homo sapiens 5e+9 cells/liter 103561 Alberts, Molecular biology...
Mean red blood cell density Human Homo sapiens 1.094 kg/L 101703 Raftos JE, Lew VL, Flatman...
Halflife of eosinophil once it has entered the blood Human Homo sapiens 8 - 18 hours 109902 Park YM, Bochner BS....
Methods of gas transport in the blood Human Homo sapiens Table - link % 111018 Lauralee Sherwood, Human...
Biopolymer concentration in blood serum Eukaryotes ~80 mg/ml 108390 Cayley S, Record MT Jr....