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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Distance moved by kinesin molecule per ATP hydrolysis event Eukaryotes 8 nm 101857 Physical Biology of the Cell...
Theoretical maximum yield of ATP on complete oxidation of 1 mol of: Bacteria Escherichia coli Glucose: 26 mol of ATP: glycerol 15 mol of ATP: acetate 7 mol of ATP N/A 109364 Kaleta C, Schäuble S...
ATP efficiency of lactic fermentation of glucose (at standard conditions) Generic 31 % 101670 Dejours, Pierre. Principles...
Cellular ATP levels of various microbial and human cells before and after treatment with Triton-apyrase Various Table - link N/A 104448 Thore A, Anséhn S, Lundin A...
Number of subunits in F0F1 ATP synthase Various bacterial plasma membrane 8 chloroplast thylakoid 9 mammalian mitochondria ≥15 yeast mito. ≥17 subunits 111974 F Dabbeni-Sala, AK Rai...
Diffusion coefficient of ATP in voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) Mitochondria 16 - 33 µm^2/sec 116638 Rostovtseva TK, Bezrukov...
ATP yield per substrate in fermentation Bacteria Escherichia coli 3 ATP/sugar 103350 Byung Hong Kim, Geoffrey...
Percentage of ATP produced that is used for biomass production Sunflower Helianthus annuus ~11 % 108773 Alonso AP, Goffman FD...
Rate of ATP production on acetate Bacteria Escherichia coli 855 mmole/min/liter cell water 105260 Walsh K, Koshland DE...
ATP hydrolysis rate constants by polymerized actin calculated assuming random hydrolysis Eukaryotes Table - link sec^-1 109984 Pollard TD, Blanchoin L...
Inhibition constant of AMP with relation to ATP in reaction: ATP+selenide+H2O>selenophosphate+Pi+AMP Bacteria Escherichia coli 170 µM 104535 Veres Z, Kim IY, Scholz TD...
Number of active ATP synthases per mitochondrion Amoeba Proteus 100 ATP synthases/mitochondrion 117334 Peyman Fahimi and Ch ́erif...
Number ATP to make 1 polysaccharide Bacteria Escherichia coli 2000 Unitless 100176 http://redpoll.pharm...
Growth rate-dependent ATP requirements (GAR), and the intercept the non-growth rate dependent ATP requirement (NGAR) Bacteria Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 NGAR 1.03 mmol mmol ATP/(g AFDW×h) GAR 220.22 mmol ATP/g AFDW N/A 111303 Pinchuk et al., Cons...
Theoretical number of ATP to make DNA in one cell grown on glucose Bacteria Escherichia coli 1.76e+8 ATP/DNA/cell 100173 Neidhardt F.C. Escherichia...
Theoretical ATP requirement for growth on glucose and mineral salts Bacteria Escherichia coli 5.9e+9 ATP/cell 101984 Stouthamer, A.H. A t...
Number of NADH produced per ATP produced Bacteria Escherichia coli in acetate fermentation 1 to 1: in respiration 2.5 to 1 NADH per ATP 114728 Szenk M, Dill KA, de...
ATP requirement for growth on glucose and minimal media under anaerobic conditions Bacteria Escherichia coli 1.64e+10 ATP/cell 101983 Hempfling, W. and Mainzer...
P/O ratio (ATP made per O atom reduced) for FADH2 Unspecified 2 unitless 110629 Denise R. Ferrier, B...
Decrease in conductance of voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1) in the presence of ATP Mitochondria 42 % 116637 Choudhary OP, Paz A,...