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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Calculated diffusion coefficient of microRNA in water Generic 100 µm^2/sec 105179 Zhdanov VP. Conditions...
Generation time at 30°C Green algae Dunaliella salina 20 Hours 105638 Lynch DV, Thompson GA....
Duration of cytokinesis cell shape change Unspecified ~300 seconds 109569 D.N. Robinson, Y.-S. Kee...
Rate constants used in the simulation of the kinetics of nitrogenase at 23° pH 7.4 Bacteria Klebsiella pneumoniae Table - link N/A 111320 Orme-Johnson WH. Molecular...
Photosynthesis and chlorophyll levels in cells starved of S and P Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Table - link N/A 111119 Wykoff DD, Davies JP...
In meteorites, carboxylic acids outweigh the corresponding amino acids by Biosphere ~50 fold 112449 Schönheit P, Buckel W...
Calculated distances between photosynthetic electron-transport complexes and diffusion time of PQH2 Algae Dunaliella tertiolecta Table - link N/A 107185 Assaf Sukenik, John Bennett...
Standard Gibbs free energy of ATP hydrolysis at pH=7 Generic -28.0 to -33.5 Table - link kJ/mol 101989 Rosing, J., and Slater...
Diffusion coefficient of microRNA in cell Generic 10 µm^2/sec 105180 Zhdanov VP. Conditions...
Present-day loss of hydrogen and helium from atmosphere to outer space Biosphere hydrogen ≈3: helium 0.05 kg/sec 111477 Catling DC, Zahnle KJ....
The reductance degree of substrates or products bacteria Table - link N/A 108675 Liu Y, Zhang YG, Zhang RB...
Fraction of Earth's modern biomass by weight that are organics delivered from space Biosphere ≤10 % of modern biomass 112446 Schönheit P, Buckel W...
Carbon and eletron recoveries and oxidation-reduction balance in the acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation Unspecified Table - link N/A 106821 Byung Hong Kim, Geoffrey...
Fermentation balance in C. butyricum Bacteria Clostridium butyricum Table - link mmol/100mmol substrate consumed 106822 Byung Hong Kim, Geoffrey...
Steady-state levels of Coenzyme A (CoA) esters and of pyridine nucleotides in growing Clostridium kluyveri Bacteria Clostridium kluyveri Table - link N/A 104434 Thauer RK, Jungermann K...
Nicotinamide nucleotide pools 15 min after H2O2 challenge Bacteria Escherichia coli Table - link N/A 108044 Brumaghim JL, Li Y, Henle E...
Hudson river peak algal biomass in summer prior to and following invasion of zebra mussel Algae prior to invasion ~40: following invasion 4 µg chl a/L 112566 Roland, F., & Cole, J....
Number of genes traced to last universal common ancestor (LUCA) Microbes 355 genes 113041 Weiss MC et al., The...
Standard Gibbs Energies of Formation and Standard Enthalpies of Formation of Species Generic Table - N/A 103456 Alberty RA. Calculation...
Standard reduction potentials (E°) of redox systems involved in biological electron transfer at pH 7 Generic Table - link V 114118 Rojas-Andrade MD et al....