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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Number of MDCK cells at confluence on 35-mm dishes Mammalian tissue culture cell 1e+6 to 2e+6 cells/dish 108875 Erlinger SU, Saier MH...
22Na uptake of MDCK cells when expressed per milligram protein Mammalian tissue culture cell 16.2±1.23 in nonconfluent cells: 26.1±3.5 in confluent cells nmol/3 min 108876 Erlinger SU, Saier MH...
Rates of fast axoplasmic transport Mammals ~410mm/day Table - link mm/day 112228 Ochs S. Rate of fast...
Isolation of HIV from body fluids HIV Table - link N/A 102399 Levy JA. Pathogenesis...
number of chromosomes Bread wheat Triticum aestivum 42 chromosomes 102756 Galili G. et al, PNAS...
Fraction of prefrontal lobe volume out of neocortex volume Chimpanzee Pan troglodytes 17 % 103173 Fuster JM. Frontal lobe...
Percent of prefrontal lobe volume out of neocortex volume Cat 3.5 % 103175 Fuster JM. Frontal lobe...
ultrasound velocity perpendicular to gastrocnemius muscle fibers at 20 degC Frog, Rana esculenta 1551 (4) m/s 101283 Mol, CR and Breddels...
ultrasound velocity perpendicular to thigh muscle fibers at 20 degC Rabbit 1548 (6) m/s 101284 Mol, CR and Breddels...
Genome size Cyanobacteria Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 2.74e+6 bp 100527 National Center for ...
Genome size Archaea Pyrococcus furiosus 1.91e+6 bp 105916 National Center for ...
Brain weight, encephalization quotient and number of cortical neurons in selected mammals Mammals Table - link Unitless 109326 Roth G, Dicke U. Evolution...
Genome size Archaea Pyrococcus horikoshii 1.74e+6 bp 111387 National Center for ...
Water content of various rat tissues Rat Rattus norvegicus Table - link N/A 103964 Raaphorst GP, Kruuv J...
Blood flow rate Human Homo sapiens 5 liters/min 102921 http://math.arizona....
Percent of prefrontal lobe volume out of neocortex volume Human Homo sapiens 29 % 103172 Fuster JM. Frontal lobe...
Cytoplasmic and vacuolar pH values in a variety of plant materials Plants Table - link unitless 108317 Kurkdjian A, Guern J....
Number of extra copies of CD36 genes Vertebrates 1 mouse: 2 rat: 7 chimpanzee: 10 macaque: 11 human: 37 dog: 55 chicken Copies 106791 Awasthi G, Dash AP, Das...
Comparisons of theory with measurement for scaling powers b in the relation Y∝(mammal mass)^b for quantity Y Mammals Table - link Unitless 107670 Dawson TH. Scaling laws...
Ratio of molar concentrations of phenylalanine and lysine to that of leucine in animal tissues Mammals Table - link unitless 109746 Waterlow JC, Protein...