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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Amount and subcellular distribution of compounds Thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana Table - link N/A 112094 Szecowka M et al., Metabolic...
Kinetics of 6PF2K and Fructose-2,6-BisPhosphatase human brain wild type and mutants Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 104958 Manes NP, El-Maghrabi...
Primary metabolites and their response to changing O2 supply in seeds Soybean Glycine max Table - link N/A 108725 Rolletschek H, Radchuk R...
Mass changes (in Daltons) on some common posttranslational modifications of protein residues Generic Table - link N/A 106057 Christopher Walsh. 2006...