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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Permeability coefficients (Pd's) of water and nonelectrolytes through lipid bilayer membranes of varying composition Generic Table - link N/A 112468 Finkelstein A. Water...
Total amount of glucose in blood of 70kg adult Human Homo sapiens 4 Grams 106245 Wasserman DH. Four grams...
Increase in premature peptide release at A site of ribosome when there are single nucleotide codon mismatches at both P site and E site bacteria 4 Orders of magnitude 103487 Hani S. Zaher and Rachel...
Thickness of eye lens Human Homo sapiens 4 mm 103466 Riordan-Eva, P. and Whitcher...
Rate of spontaneous nucleosome unwrapping Eukaryotes 4 sec^-1 103088 Li G, Levitus M, Bustamante C...
Fraction of glutathione as glutathione disulfide GSSG out of glutathione equivalents in cytosol Human Homo sapiens 4 % 103544 Hansen RE, Roth D, Winther...
Concentration of glutathione disulfide GSSG in cytosol Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 4 µM 103548 Østergaard H, Tachibana C...
Total protein half life Grass Dactylis glomerata 4 Days 103660 Scheurwater I, Dünnebacke M...
Fraction of basal ganglia out of central nervous system (by volume) Human Homo sapiens 4 % 103196 Mapping the human brain: past...
Diencephalon proportion out of central nervous system (by volume) Human Homo sapiens 4 % 103197 Mapping the human brain: past...
Calculated concentration of total protein/cell in exponential phase on glucose medium, mass doubling time of 40 min Bacteria Escherichia coli 4 mM 104726 Calculated according...
Glucose level at end of day under photoperiod regime of 12h light Thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana 4 (±0.7) μmol/gFW 104722 Gibon Y, Pyl ET, Sulpice R...
Intracellular valine concentration in glucose-fed, exponentially growing E. coli Bacteria Escherichia coli 4 mM 104700 Bennett BD, Kimball EH...
Number of conjunctival carcinoma tumor virus mRNAs Human Homo sapiens 4 Copies/cell 104329 Feng H, Taylor JL, Benos PV...
Diffusion coefficient at pH 7.2 Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) 4 (Table - link) µm^2/sec 104374 Santos NC, Castanho MA....
Duration of pause of RNA polymerase on gene Mammalian tissue culture cell 4 min 104586 Darzacq X, Shav-Tal Y...
Height of HepG2 liver cancer cell Human Homo sapiens 4 µm 104615 Maryna Bondarava, Thesis:...
Distance action potentials propagate in rodent cortex Mammals 4 cm 108628 Attwell D, Laughlin SB....
Frequency of miniature excitatory postsynaptic potentials (mEPSPs) Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster 4 (±0.4) Hz 108868 Peled ES, Isacoff EY....
Maturation time of EGFP Bacteria Escherichia coli 4 Hours 106884 Jakobs S, Subramaniam V...